New Year's Eve is a night to contemplate and reminisce about the year that has pass. It is also a night to share with close friends, family, a loved one, or just someone special. Eat tasty food, indulge in a drink or 2, and talk about your favorite memories.
So many things have happened in 2009 that have made me smile.
I got married :)
I went to Paris :)
I went to Texas (finally! after years of wishing to go thanks to Pee Wee's Big Adventure)
Annual trip to Chicago
Bridal shower full of fun new stuff for our house
I quit a job I hated and just got offered a new one (that I hopefully like!)
I got Nikon D90 (wedding gift from my lovely husband!)
Annual trip to California and bonded with my mom and family
Made some new lovely friends and spent a lot more time with old ones and with my family
And many more memories that made this year really special :)
As for the decade....lots has happened. I can pretty much sum it up in 4 words i GREW INTO MYSELF. I learned more about life, I learned more about myself and I finally accepted who I am and what makes me ME.
Happy New year to all and to all a good night :)
(I am not sure where this photo is from; I found it on the Internet sometime last year. I think it fits well for this post)