I bought
French Women Don't Get Fat and read it cover to cover in like 2 days. I ran out to the bookstore when I was finished to pick up the sequel as well, French Women For All Seasons. They both read like a really good fiction novel and not at all like a "diet" book. There were great stories, tons of humor, and lots of recipes that I even managed to make on my own. The book's message (to me at least) was to never deprive yourself, eat healthy fresh foods, and move around! Those are all things that I try to do on a daily basis. I am not one to work out on a treadmill or slave away at a gym. A nice walk in the park? Done!
Unfortunately, I have been on a sugar binge for 2 weeks straight. I am talking strawberry pop tarts for breakfast, lemon bars from any and every bakery that sells them, insane amounts of rice pudding, and cake. I have always been one to eat sweets and to never shy away from a little bite here or there, but I can't stop right now!
I think i need to re-read French Women Don't Get Fat as well as the sequel, French Women For All Seasons!