First of all, this post was entirely inspired by a dinner out with a friend to my favorite restaurant in Cleveland, LUXE (www.luxecleveland.com). I decided to have a lemon drop martini which is my favorite "fancy" mixed drink of choice. It made me start thinking about how much I love lemons (and also how random my thoughts can be).
Growing up, my dad always had a lemon tree (in shiny mirrored pots, thanks to my mom) in the house, even in the dead of winter. They were placed right next to the sliding door out to the patio. This was near a little nook that I would play and read as a child. I remember always checking to see if a lemon had grown on the tree (of course they always did.... we are a family of green thumbs!)
Strangely enough, my husband has wanted a lemon tree for quite some time. Hey, they always say that you end up marrying a guy like your dad. I wouldn't mind having a lemon tree in our home. Maybe this will be a nice Valentine's day gift ( I sure hope he isn't reading this).
To keep on going with the lemon theme (and my lemon drop martini haze), I also wear a lemon scented perfume. Sugar Lemon by Fresh might be the most amazing perfume ever made. I seriously can't get enough of the scent and I have a mini bottle of the Sugar Lemon lotion that travels along with me throughout my day.
Lemons are the BEST SCENT EVER!
photos from top to bottom:
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